this is my 1st tym join cntest kt blog ni...hehe...kiranya nk test luck la ni...
ada rezeki, insyALLAH menng...n y ptg sm2 memeriahkn dunia alam maya ni....:)
oke, kt bwh ni ada 4 soklan y perlu dijwb...sape2 nk join this cntest sila click disini
u maklmt y lbh lnjut
1. What’s your favorite makeup things at the moment??

THEFACESHOP, Color nuance for cheek, natural story

The body shop, 01 eye definer shade: black
2. Are there any beauty MAKEUP/PERFUMES branded items on your wish list?

body shop eye shadow, shimmer cubes 16

CK one EDT Spray, jenis unisex
3. What's Style and Outfit do you want on 2010?
gaya y sopan n muslimah dismping still ada gaya funky n up 2 date...
4. Lastly, pliss upload your latest gojes style pictures with the beauty makeup looks...
actually tym ni hnya paki eyeliner n lipgloss je coz natural beauty is nice :)
p/s: hrp2 menng..hahaha...tnggi sngguh cita2 kan? hehehe
tq yah join my contest :)
sis..lngkawi ktne?sy asal lngkwi jgk..hehe
k.lynna: welcme!
syifasya: sy tgl dlm kwsan htel kt ngan jeti 2
natural beauty is nice..em,btol2..
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